Building a Movement

Statewide Coalitions

Closing gaps in equity and opportunity for New York’s children requires collaboration across sectors as many of the key issues we work on impact all levels of society. The EdTrust–New York, with the help of our partners, serves as a convener of diverse coalitions and networks to ensure that multiple perspectives are represented in our collective work.

The coalitions and networks include:

NY Equity Coalition

A group of civil rights, education, parent, and business organizations committed to fighting for higher achievement and greater opportunities for all students in New York State.

Raising NY

A diverse statewide coalition of parent, early childhood, education, civil rights, business, and health organizations dedicated to increasing the number of children who are on track for school readiness.

Learn more about our coalitions, and how you can get involved, by contacting us here!

The Equity Partnership Program

We remain committed to supporting a network of regional organizations in their advocacy efforts through our Equity Partnership Program, and from Buffalo to the Bronx those partners are taking on issues such as educator diversity, ESSA, school discipline, access to rigorous coursework, and degree and certificate attainment. Through the program, we provide technical assistance and small grants to support advocacy capacity to community-based and parent-serving organizations.

To inquire about the Equity Partnership Program and how you can support, drop us a line here!